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Flexible solid state battery technology
21 Feb, 2022
By hoppt

Flexible solid state battery technology
Battery technology is always developing. Currently, scientists are experimenting with flexible solid state batteries to compete with conventional lithium ion batteries (which are flammable and fragile). The research seems promising. Although they aren't mature yet, scientists predict that within five years or so, this technology will be affordable for consumers.
The main benefit of these solid state batteries would be their high safety level. If they were to break, the electrolyte would not be able to leak out and cause a fire because it is composed of salt in chemical form instead of liquid form like lithium ion batteries. Besides that, they can also be broken without hurting anyone which allows them to last longer than other types of battery technology currently on the market.
Another advantage is their flexibility; solid state batteries would be able to be molded into different shapes and sizes. In addition, they will also have a high-density of energy storage compared to lithium ion batteries.
Solid state batteries are the battery technology of the future. Although they aren't widely available yet, scientists predict that within five years or so, this technology will be safe for consumers and affordable. With their high safety level, flexibility, and durability compared to lithium ion batteries, solid state batteries are bound to become popular soon.
However, there are some disadvantages as well. One is that solid state batteries currently have a low energy density meaning that it isn't as efficient as other models on the market for now. This could change in the future but scientists say that it might take a decade or two before this technology can catch up with current battery standards from manufacturers such as Samsung and Sony . The second disadvantage is their cost; these types of batteries are more expensive right now due to its novelty which means that companies aren't mass producing it yet. However, once production catches up with demand, the price should go down.
All in all, solid state batteries are promising and scientists believe that it will be a viable battery technology for consumers soon. They have high flexibility, safety levels as well as better performance than other current technologies out on the market such as lithium ion batteries. However, they're still pretty expensive and their energy storage is lower compared to other models on the market for now but there's no telling what will happen in the future.
High safety level Flexible Durable Better performance than current batteries on the market
Low energy density Expensive Not widely available yet may take 10 years or so for it to catch up with current standards by manufacturers such as Sony and Samsung
Solid state batteries are the battery technology of the future. Although they aren't widely available yet, scientists predict that within five years or so, this technology will be safe for consumers and affordable. With their high safety level, flexibility, and durability compared to lithium ion batteries, solid state batteries will catch on soon. They have many advantages over conventional models but there are some disadvantages as well which might hold them back from widespread adoption by consumers.